Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Andy Warhol

“We are going to watch a movie today”, devoid of knowing what to watch, I joyously said “Yeay!” well, I guess most of us were so excited to watch movies because according to our experience, watching movies in literature class is always fun and enjoyable. =) As the story starts, we were having some sort of sound problem that make us really frustrated since we could hardly hear the sounds. As the movies goes on, we started to yawn. I looked around and saw many heads were “nodding” and then, come the next yawn and it continuously happen on and on and out of sudden it stop when the movie was over. To be very honest, I was so not really keen on watching it. The only things I remember were the paintings of Campbell tins, Marilyn Monroe and description that could slightly be heard in the room. But, the most significant or the most vivid fact that I heard is that his masterpieces was fundamentally related to his religious belief. Andy Warhol was an American artist and a central figure in the movement known as pop art. He was definitely a genius in doing such amazing pop arts paintings. I was awe by his talent! The way of he looks at things could actually be seen through his masterpieces. The paintings of different angles of torn Campbell’s tin were incredibly great!

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