Tuesday, September 16, 2008

alteration after another

As I was working on the position paper, collecting info and thinking about it, I do make some alterations and amendments in the outline. When I revised back and satisfied with the points that I have written, I started to write the paper. In my paper, I talk about the issue that evolves around the unnamed girl which is her initiation towards maturity. I try to demonstrate the factors that actually brought her away from the state of innocence (lacking of knowledge) to the state of experience (gaining knowledge). The factors transpired are the girl’s inner and physical changes and her resistance towards stereotypical views on female behaviors. When I revised my work I sense that the essay was not perfectly suits the thesis statements since some alteration had been done before writing the paper. Again, I think of changing my thesis statement. Based on my arguments, I have finally found the correct words. So, my final thesis statement is “The girl’s resistance towards stereotypical views about female behavior and her feminine changes prompt herself into womanhood”. Hmm.. I guess I get the words! And gratefully, Mr. Omid had agreed with me.

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