Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tragic love story – Pyramus and Thisbe

We are assigned to come out with thesis statements for the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. It’s a nice tragic love story which full of ironic. Mr. Omid asks us to brainstorm in a group and comes out with our thesis statement. It was nice to read the story yet to actually see and “take out” the emerging issues were pretty tedious. Anyhow, we manage to come out with few thesis statements:

  1. Unpermitted love will bring disobedience and suffering.
  2. Pyramus and Thisbe died because of their forbidden love which resorted them to come up with a plan to be together that leads to death.
  3. Ovid’s Pyramus and Thisbe is not merely a heart-wrenching lover’s tale but it is also serves as a reminder that lover’s hastiness is always their downfall
  4. Forbidden love brings a moment of pleasure but a lifetime of regret.
  5. Pyramus and Thisbe’s enduring love caused their tragic death

Each of the thesis statements highlighted the arguments on love and the tragedy that happens between the two lovers. Next steps, providing arguments and justifications! Because, argument without justifications is LAME ~ that is a very vital reminder for me while working on the position paper.

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