Friday, August 29, 2008

Project paper, the starting point!

It was week four, and it the time to meet our supervisor for the project paper. I was excited to see Dr. Noreen to discuss about how it will be. We made an appointment with her at 9 in her office. During the discussion, we were given ample chances to ask questions and Dr. gives her opinion of how she wants the project paper to be. Then, she shows us the seniors’ paper as guidance or “prompt” towards the idea of what should we be working on. It was really nice to see and to read their papers as they had their ideas written very well. They were great! At that time, I already have the idea of what am I going to do – inspired by those grand works. I have chosen two interesting text which are Jewett’s A White Heron and Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephant.”

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