Monday, July 28, 2008

Encountering problems...

This was the first class with Mr. Omid, at first I myself encountered some problem to understand one word that he said at that time (which later I found out that few of my coursemates also have the same problem – trying to understand one word that he uttered). The word was “thesis”! So, basically on the first day of our meeting, we learned what thesis statement is. Many of us confuse on the term of thesis statements with the topic sentence. Mr. Omid had explained the differences between those two terms. In giving us to the better understanding, he gave quite a lot of examples of the best thesis statements which did at least make me understand what thesis statement is. So, basically, it is something that becomes the umbrella issue of the story which involves arguments and opinion on certain issues raised. Hmm…now it gives me the ideas on what and how am I going to do for my position paper ~

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