Monday, July 14, 2008

The first unexpected class

Today was the first class of EDU 3234 “Readings and Project Work for English Teaching Literature in ESL Contexts” lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Malachi Edwin Vethamani. Basically for the first lecture of this subject, I didn’t expect many things. Anyhow, to my surprised, we were given the assignments of the whole semester! Wow, I was tremendously astounded. He actually gave concise explanation of this subject for the entire semester. I was quite happy to know that for this course, there will be no mid-semester exam and final exam, replaced by two assignments that carry major marks for this subject which are writing the position paper and project paper.

Not forgetting, the online assignment (writing blogs) does contribute 20% of the total marks. Well, apart from reading, I guess a lot of writing need to be done. Moreover, there will be an individual presentation of the position paper before its submission. Hurm…integration of three language skills; speaking, reading and writing. That’s grand! Apart, Dr. Edwin had assigned supervisors for our project work where I’ll be under Dr. Noreen’s supervision =). Dr. Edwin then introduced us to a PhD student, Mr Omid where he’ll be tutoring us for our “amali”. It was a funny thing happen when Dr. Edwin unintentionally called Mr. Omid as Ovid as in a title of a text, Ovid Metamorphosis. So, what else can we do? We were laughing out loud. Terrible, aren’t we? =D

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