Thursday, October 2, 2008

What a teacher is?

This is definitely an interesting class of all. ~grins~ It was fun, entertaining and thoughtful. How each of us perceived what teacher is (the metaphor of a teacher) is creatively thought and differently seen by each of us. Well, I have listed few of the metaphors; most of them are common like candles and light in the darkness. Once it’s my turn, I then said the teacher is like “blood”. Everybody goes like “blood?” and they were laughing themselves out. Hello? I have reason and sturdy justification guys! Blood would be the indicator of sustenance that actually provides nutrition and nourishments to the souls of a student. Where it becomes the source to enable students to “breathe” and without the blood that circulating inside our body that bring oxygen, we would be dead. Without being educated, we are futile. Apart from that, after the class I think of another metaphor which I think it is better than blood, heh. A teacher is like an airplane. Airplane does bring us to further destination in quick time rather than any other transport. Here, teacher could be seen as a means that could figuratively leads students from the state of not knowing to the state of knowledge. Airplane flies in the sky, so definitely the views would be completely different. A long the journey towards, gaining knowledge, teacher actually show the way and giving us ample space of going to the same destination yet with different ways of looking at things. I believe this would be the greatest impact that the teacher would have on the students since the chance given to constantly looking at things in different ways, will establish who you are. How we think made who we are, and thoughts and ideas we utter show who we really are – through the endless guidance of the teacher.

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